We are a team. We spend time together. We prepare together. We compete together. We travel together. We see cities and Universities all across the United States. This team environment creates some of the best experiences and best friends that you will have in high school. You will make friends that can stay with you for the rest of your life. As we like to say, MUN is FUN.
Students & Parents
Meet the CHSMUN Secretariat!
Why Join MUN?
There are a lot of great reasons why CHSMUN is a fantastic program for students to join. Do you want more information about the MUN program or are wondering what your child can gain from joining the Model UN program at Cerritos High School? Please visit the Why Join MUN? page for more information.
Interested in fundraising for your son or daughter? Check out our SCRIP page.
Delegates Guide
The delegates guide is a useful tool to help you as you begin in your role as a delegate. The guide contains helpful information about the United Nations, how to research a topic, and how to be ready for your first conference.