Schedule/Updates Week of 3/16Office Hours this Week! (9am to 10am) on Tues, Wed & Thu! E-mails will be answered fairly quickly during this time!
Please refer to Google Classrooms for the most recent updates and details! If you do not have access to Google Classroom, please contact me ASAP! Scan or take photographs of your KTSRQs and submit them by Friday 3/20. Complete the Exam Essay by Wednesday 3/18. Create a propaganda poster about World War 1! Read the power point notes and watch the video clip linked in the classroom! Read the article on WW1 technology and discuss what was the most effective technology of WW1! March 6, 2020 - Chapter 7January 28, 2020 - Chapter 5/6January 6, 2020 - Chapter 4Philsophers' ForumNovember 19, 2019 - Chapter 2/3Due Wednesday, December 18
November 18, 2019 - LA/O HighlightsResearch and find five (5) highlights for your country. For each highlight, draw, color and describe each highlight. You should also have a title and image for your country. You are not required to use the format provided in class.
Be prepared to describe TWO (2) highlight of your country. Due Thu 11/21 October 11, 2019 - Charts (Government)Create a government chart using your notes with a title, description and image w/color for MONARCHY, ARISTOCRACY, OLIGARCHY AND DEMOCRACY.
Create a Venn diagram using your notes comparing US and Athens Government. No image or color required. Due Monday. October 7, 2019 - Chapter 1October 2, 2019 - Asia HighlightResearch and find five (5) highlights for your country. For each highlight, draw, color and describe each highlight. You should also have a title and image for your country. You are not required to use the format provided in class.
Be prepared to describe ONE (1) highlight of your country. Due Thu 10/10 October 1, 2019 - Asia MapFollow the directions on the map and complete it. Don't forget to label all and color all! There will be a map quiz on the day it is due, 10/9.
Due Wed 10/9 September 24, 2019 - CH17 ?sSeptember 18, 2019 - 9/11Watch 9/11 Movie
Take 20 Notes Answer the 4 Questions Provided on the Board If absent, write a one (1) page paper for every day you were absent. 9/18, 9/19, 9/20 September 12, 2019 - Europe MapFollow the directions on the map and complete it. Don't forget to label all and color all! There will be a map quiz on the day it is due, 9/17.
Due Mon 9/17 September 13, 2019 - Europe HighlightResearch and find five (5) highlights for your country. For each highlight, draw, color and describe each highlight. You should also have a title and image for your country. You are not required to use the format provided in class.
Be prepared to describe ONE (1) highlight of your country. Due Wed 9/19 September 8. 2019 - Technology PosterCreate a poster of your favorite or the best technological advancement. For the poster, you must have a title, colored/shaded image and a description. The item must be electric/battery/fuel (or similar) powered or use one of these items to be used.
Due 9/10 |